Monday, December 05, 2005

Formatting Change

I decided that if I’m going to gripe about people who have blogs on Spaces, and have tiny, tiny text that I can barely read, then I should probably increase the text size on my blog, too.

I have now done so. Which means that I’m free to complain about people who have blogs on Spaces, and have tiny, tiny text that I can barely read. Which I will now proceed to do:

People, there must be an option in Spaces somewhere where you can adjust the font size! (Also, you must be able to use the Enter key from time to time, to include multiple paragraphs in your post... They can’t have set Spaces up to force you to enter one long paragraph for every post...)

Editor’s note: Don’t be fooled by the rhetorical devices included here. I know for a fact that you can change the font size, because I have a friend who changed her font size on Spaces. Because of my complaining.